
Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013


 The development of Islam in Indonesia, particularly in Java , has always been associated with gait Wali Songo , who lived between the 15th century and the 16th AD . However , the existence of the mosque in the village of Saka Tunggal Cikakak , Wangon district , Banyumas , Central Java , to show that Islam actually evolved long before the period of nine trustees . Masjid Saka Tunggal , which means only one poster , reputedly built in 1288 AD . According to the Imam of the mosque architecture is a blend of Hindu - Muslim , the founding of Masjid Saka Tunggal can be seen from the figures carved on one side of the single Saka , ie 8821 . The chronicle numbers read upside down so it reads 1288 1.522 BC .

This mosque is very old indeed . 720 years old . Imam of the mosque which is now the 10th , founder of this mosque is Mbah Mustolih . It is unclear from where Mbah Mustolih come . However , local people believe that he was the founder of the mosque and the mosque who first spread Islam in Cikakak . Until now the founder and pedigree certainly is no imam , but the story passed down through generations that we receive like that.

If true Masjid Saka Tunggal was established in 1288 , the mean age of the mosque is older than the history of the kingdom of Majapahit which was founded in 1294 , six years after the mosque stood . In other words , Saka Tunggal Mosque was built during the reign of the kingdom Singasari . Despite the establishment of truth , until now Masjid Saka Tunggal has not lost altogether original face . The difference, gebyok wood and bamboo woven bamboo which was originally a mosque 's wall has been replaced with a wall .

One of the mosque 's original look that has not lost a single saka is in the midst of building the mosque . The single Saka made ​​of carved teak galih colorful florals . At the base diameter of about 35 centimeters . Saka was standing up on top of the pyramid-shaped wuwungan , such as the Great Mosque of Demak wuwungan . One of the unique Saka Tunggal is the presence of four strands of wood in the middle of the wing wing attached saka.empat saka symbolize the five pancer papat mecca , or the four cardinal points and the center . Papat mecca five pancer human means as pancer surrounded by four winds which symbolizes fire , wind , water , and earth .

Saka single symbol that life is like alif , should be straight . Do not bend , do not be naughty , do not lie . If bent , it is no longer human .

Four cardinal points it means that human life must be balanced . Do not get too much water if you do not want to drown , do not want a lot of wind when cold , do not play with fire if you do not want to burn , and do not worship the earth if you do not want to fall . Life is to be balanced . This pancer mecca Papat five equals four existing lust in man . Four passions in the Muslim - Javanese terminology is often specified in terms aluamah , mutmainah , Sopiah , and anger . Four were always fighting and lust affect human nature . Another authenticity of which is still preserved in the mosque since 1980 designated as a cultural heritage Banyumas are ornaments in the main room , especially in the pulpit and the priesthood .

There are two pictorial carvings in wood -like flame sun mandala plate . Such images are found on ancient buildings Singasari and Majapahit era . The specificity of this mosque is still there is a roof of coconut palm fiber black . Roof like the roof of the building is reminiscent of the Majapahit era temple or place of worship of Hindus in Bali . Ablution place was also still undeniably established early age even though the walls have been replaced with a wall .

Another uniqueness can also be found around the mosque for every visitor that comes , to be welcomed dozens tailed monkeys around the mosque since the last decades due to the trees on the hill Jojog Telu start merangas WELCOMES ISRO ' MI'ROJ VILLAGE CIKAKAK Various methods residents to commemorate the Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad SAW . In the village Cikakak Wangon Banyumas district , Muslims held a ritual substitute bamboo fence or replace Jaro rajab they call one of the tombs clerics Muslim missionaries . Ritual held every year has a deep meaning that is to rid yourself of these residents jahat.Para nature , since the morning has come to the tomb of Kyai Toleh mosque located in the area of ​​single saka . They volunteered to bring bamboo to be used to make the old fence replacement fence .

With the mutual cooperation , the citizens of this splitting and cleaning the bamboo to be used as a fence . Sense of community here , which is still shown residents held a ritual when about to change this rajab Jaro . They shared the work . There are cut , there is also a divide. The bamboo is cut and split with a length of about one meter .

Before being installed, pieces of bamboo that has been cut this, then washed first. Washing is done at the river entrance of the tomb. This is intended to be installed as a bamboo fence, free from any citizen. Then halted bambo.from the grave of Kyai Toleh located on the hill.

There are some restrictions that must be obeyed by the citizens when making this bamboo fence. They were forbidden to speak aloud, and should not be using the footwear. So, when the bamboo fence replacement work, inaudible sound citizens. Which Appear only sound of the bamboo fence.

Because bamboo fence replacement work is done by Hundreds of people , then pengerjaanya was fast . In fact , the 300 - meter bamboo fence that was also present at the monkey park , can be completed within two hours .

In addition to having the meaning of togetherness and mutual support , the tradition of dressing rajab Jaro is also to Eliminate the evil nature of the human self .

According to the caretaker of Masjid Saka Tunggal Cikakak , after railing replacement work is completed , Began people to make a pilgrimage to the tomb . " Before entering the tomb area, the people did sacrifice and paying respect , they also remove footwear . This is a routine activity Carried out every year .

Because of this mosque is a cultural heritage , authenticity is maintained . Since 1965 the mosque has been restored twice . In addition to walls , was also given a woven bamboo walls and roof lining seng.Keunikan mosque was also felt in the religious traditionalism of the people who worship there . Each will be praying always preceded by praise or ura - ura chanted , such as Java ballad . Some congregations use udeng or batik blue headband . The procedure of the ancient prayers in the mosque is not much different from other mosques in general .

Special congregational prayers on Friday , the number of people who carry a muezzin call to prayer or four . In addition , all series Friday prayer performed in congregation , ranging from prayer tahiyatal mosque , khoblal Friday , the Friday prayer , badlal Friday , midday prayer , badlal until midday . All muezzin wearing a long white dress and headband udeng or blue Javanese batik . Then , a message or a Friday sermon sung as sings . Similarly , the reading of Islamic texts suci.Penganut Aboge or Alip - Rebo - Wage ( A - bo - ge ) is a follower of the Raden Rasid who taught Sayid Yellow .

Aboge flow calculations used the trustees have used since the 14th century and is distributed by Raden Rasid Sayid Yellow .

This calculation is a combination of a tiger in the calculation of the number of days and number of days the market is based on the calculation of the Java Pon , Wage , POND , Sweet ( Legi ) , and Pahing . Adherents Aboge also believe the first day was a Friday and the number of days in a month is only 29 to 30 days .

The basis for Determining the Aboge citizens have believed since the 14th century , ie within a period of eight years or one year of the tiger consists of Alif , Ha , Jim , Early , Za , Dal , Ba , and Jim Wawu end .

EVEN without loudspeakers , the sound is loud call to prayer from the mosque Baitussalam , Cikakak village , Banyumas District Wangon . Saka mosque has a single ( single poles ) is indeed trying to maintain all the traditions that are passed from generation to generation , such as the number of people and no muezzin four loudspeakers . Rural atmosphere is very thick at the shrine filled with monkeys that roam free . The mosque is also very unique , thatched Roofed and some walls of woven bamboo . Baitussalam imam , said the mosque was 720 years old . Baitussalam mosque known as Masjid Saka Tunggal , Because is only one pole in the middle .

Although most of the walls have been rehabilitated with the wall , but the architecture of the mosque is thought to have Stood on in 1288 it has not been changed . So that there is no significant difference in the form of the establishment until now . While teak poles that support the main building of the mosque with a size of 12 x 18 meters was so solid , though it was about 720 years old . Ti - ang is filled with carvings of various kinds .

And on one pole there read Arabic letter number 8821 (read in 1288) . " We just go ahead and take care of what is inherited elders . Tradition and without the call to four loudspeakers , and let the monkeys roam freely will keep us alert . Minimum mosque is very old , even older than Walisongo , " he said. For Hundreds of years around the walls standing , residents and pilgrims in Cikakak did not replace the existing main building at the site , but only to build the wall around the mosque as other penopang.Barang that still REMAIN neat and maintained include drums , gongs , mosque pulpit , and the preacher sticks wudlu .

" The building is not only a spiritual value, but also a cultural value . Therefore we will continue to keep it as one of the peculiarities of this Cikakak village ".

With the establishment of the mosque indicates that the symbols of Islam in Banyumas has started Hundreds of years ago . To be sure there is no written evidence . But the story of the generations growing tutun , Sopani and the villagers believe in the truth of the story , a character named Islam spreader in Cikakak Mustolih Mbah a living in the Ancient Mataram Sultanate . So , do not be surprised if the element is still quite melekat.Dalam Kejawen Carried the symbols of Islam , Mbah Mustolih indeed the make Cikakak as " headquarters " with a marked development of the mosque with a single pole .

Banyumas established in 1582, precisely on Friday POND dated 6 April 1582 AD , or the 12th coincides Robiul Awwal 990 Hijri . Then defined by Regulation ( Government ) District of Banyumas No. . 2 in 1990. Banyumas regency historical existence is Inseparable from its founder namely Raden Joko Kahiman who later Became the first regent known by the nickname or title MARAPAT Duke ( Duke MRAPAT ) .

2 komentar:

  1. Informasi yang banyak manfaatnya dan bagus juga nih buat nambah pengetahuan. terimakasih banyak
